Sunday 29 May 2022

Kaipara Harbour

Heart of the Kaipara: Maungaturoto and Beyond

The little rural town of Maungaturoto is known as ‘the heart of the Kaipara’. Heather Whelan took a drive along SH12 to the gateway to the stunning Kaipara district to find out more.

The Kaipara Harbour is one of the largest harbours in the world. Covering 947 square kilometres, it is connected to the Tasman Sea by an eight kilometre-wide passage, with several arms extending far inland. The estuaries of five rivers and many creeks and bays give the harbour a huge coastline.

The little town of Maungaturoto styles itself as the ‘heart of the Kaipara’; however that label could easily apply to the whole area that’s accessed along State Highway 12 from Brynderwyn to Dargaville. Maungaturoto is in the north-eastern part of the harbour, on the Otamatea River. With a population of just over 1000, it’s the largest town in this part of the Kaipara district. Maungatoroto is a hub for the rural communities that have developed on this rich agricultural land.

The villages of Paparoa, Matakohe and Ruawai are linked by the main road, while Pahi, Tinopai and Port Albert are found on peninsulas that jut into the Kaipara Harbour. Several of these settlements were established in the early 1860s by religious settlers known as Albertlanders, when the waterways were easier to navigate than the roadless swamps and bush-clad hills inland.

To the mountain and beyond

After turning west at Brynderwyn, we soon came to Maungaturoto. Founded in 1863, the town’s name means ‘mountain standing in the lagoons’ – an apt description, as much of the Kaipara region is low-lying but studded with extinct volcanic cones.

There are many tales told about the historic Maungaturoto Hotel. It was nearly lost at sea when the prefabricated sections were shipped from Onehunga by tug, barge and cattle punt. Bad weather and a drunken crew nearly spelled disaster, but the pub was finally constructed and has been accommodating guests for 120 years. Ghost sightings – a woman walking the hallway and a man behind the bar, together with wardrobe doors that open and close of their own accord, coupled with rattling coat hangers – led to paranormal investigators setting up video recorders to try and capture a sighting. Unfortunately the ghost hunters described their experience as ‘inconclusive’.

A second-hand shop across the road from the hotel was signposted from the turn onto SH12, so we pulled in for a look. This was a real Aladdin’s cave, with several rooms crammed with interesting collections ranging from furniture, crockery and glassware to dolls, paintings and old tin signs. We managed to leave without spending too much, but did pick up some useful-sized containers for storage in our bus. In the town centre we found several cafés to choose from; we can recommend Coast, housed in a renovated heritage building, where they served great coffee and fresh date scones.

Kaipara Harbour

A walk through history

Our next stop was Paparoa, 12km from Maungaturoto.There’s a little river that reaches Paparoa and in the 1800s a steamer connected the town with Helensville, 66km away on the southern side of the harbour. The landing site, now a quiet village green area, was once a busy spot as kauri logs were delivered here before being rafted downriver to a sawmill at Pahi.

We crossed the river on a tiny footbridge as we wanted to visit an ancient pā site on the pleasant 45-minute Paparoa Bush Walk, established by the local Lions group. The walk first took us beside the peaceful river and we tried to imagine small boats and rafts of logs navigating their way down to Pahi, 7km down the adjacent peninsula. After crossing another stream, the track took us quite steeply up, through some bush-covered slopes, to the pā. This bush is over 250 years old, the inhabitants of the extensive pā having mysteriously left long before European settlers arrived. From the pā the track continues through farmland, then along a boardwalk before finishing at the road on the other side of Paparoa.

Needing a cold drink after our walk we headed to the Thirsty Tui, Paparoa’s retro-style pub. We had lunch in the garden area, watched over by sparrows roosting in a nesting box crafted to look like a mini replica of the pub. There’s accommodation available at the Thirsty Tui and motorhomes can park overnight. However, we were headed for what our map book called the ‘seaside resort’ of Tinopai.

Kaipara Harbour
Kaipara Harbour

Camping by the beach

Tinopai is at the very end of a peninsula, about 20km from Matakohe. There’s an amazing museum at Matakohe with free overnight parking and discounted entry for NZMCA members. If you haven’t visited before, it really is a must-see, with displays of everything kauri – from the world’s largest collection of kauri gum, to antique furniture and huge logs. There’s a steam sawmill, fascinating displays of logging and gum-digging and even a two-storey life-sized replica boarding house. It’s worth spending several hours at the museum so overnight parking might come in useful.

Tinopai was originally called Te Komiti and was a regular stopping point for Māori travellers. It was renamed Tinopai Fruitlands in 1918 when the area was planted with apple trees and a wharf was built to export the fruit. The apple growing finished in the 1930s, but the wharf remains, now a popular fishing spot.

There is a lovely old-school style campground on the waterfront at Tinopai and we parked a stone’s throw from the beach. The campground is popular in summer, and beautiful year-round; what a spot. We wandered along the shore, meeting a local on the wharf who couldn’t have spoken more highly about the fantastic fishing in the waters off Tinopai. He’d just come back from a day’s fishing with a haul of snapper. Later, as the tide went out, we watched shellfish gatherers collecting oysters and mussels.

Kaipara Harbour
Kaipara Harbour

A productive cycle

The following day we made our way back to SH12 and into Ruawai. This town (the name means ‘two waters’) is situated where the Wairoa River meets the Kaipara Harbour. The area used to be very watery; swamp was extensive here until a stopbank was built in 1905 and the area drained. The land is now very productive and Ruawai is known as the kūmara capital of New Zealand.

The stopbank was the town’s first road and is now a walking and cycle trail, developed in 2018 by the Ruawai walkway-cycle track group. After walking along the stopbank for a while we decided to return later and cycle the 3km loop.

Six of us met at Ruawai the next week and, after a coffee in the township, we set off on our bikes along the stopbank. There were several information boards which had early photographs, giving us an insight into Ruawai’s early days and the draining of the land. The workmen who dug the stopbank had to be strong enough to throw shovels full of wet mud twelve feet, so they must have been a hardy breed. The land is below the level of the harbour’s high tide, so the drainage canals through the stopbank can only empty out when the water level is low.

Our ride continued at the end of the stopbank, along quiet country roads back into Ruawai. It was a pleasant hour’s cycle ride and would take about three hours to walk.

Kaipara Harbour

Top of the peak

Driving north from Ruawai it’s impossible to miss Tokatoka Peak. From most angles it looks like a perfect cone and is a distinctive landmark. There are many stories about this extraordinary mountain that looks like it belongs in a fantasy movie – it is in fact the plug of an ancient volcano, a very rare phenomenon. Māori tell how Tokatoka came from Hawaiki along with some other mountains. Manaia went ahead and came to rest beside Whangarei Harbour. The Wairoa River proved to be dangerous and one mountain drowned, so Tokatoka and nearby Maungaraho decided to halt their journey right there.

Having previously climbed to the summit of Maungaraho Rock, this time we decided to check out the views from the summit of Tokatoka. After turning up a steep road beside the Tokatoka Tavern we found a small parking space beside a sign indicating the start of the walk. From here it was a twenty minute walk to the summit, mainly up a steep unformed track. The final 20m section was a scramble up rocks and I realised the significance of the name Tokatoka: ‘rocks upon rocks’.

Once at the summit we were rewarded by some outstanding 360˚ views. We could look along the river to Dargaville and Maunganui Bluff in the north, while past Maungaraho Rock the Tangihua Range was a shadowy purple. All around was lush farmland interspersed with pockets
of native bush.

Kaipara Harbour

Riding the rails

Dargaville was the final stop on our Kaipara tiki tour, and it was easy to set up for the night at the NZMCA park in town. Dargaville was founded in 1872 and prospered initially due to the timber trade and kauri gum digging. The town is still thriving, with plenty of shops and cafés as it’s the commercial centre for the region’s dairy, beef and sheep farming industry. It’s also, like Ruawai, a kūmara growing area.

One of Dargaville’s quirkiest attractions can be found at the old railway station. Dargaville Rail Tours takes visitors along a disused railway line in golf carts.There are two trips to choose from and we opted for the two-hour return ride to Tangowahine. Our guides were two bearded locals who led the way out of Dargaville, checking the road crossings were safe. We stopped at a couple of places to learn a bit more of the history; we soon discovered that there had been a station platform built beside the original Dargaville racecourse, but it was never used because the locals objected to the proposed route of the railway; it had to loop away from the main road, leaving the platform abandoned in a paddock. Another spot was where the railway line used to branch north to Donnellys Crossing, now an overgrown piece of history.

After travelling through farmland and beside the Wairoa River to Tangowahine, where the carts are turned around for the return journey back to Dargaville, we were treated to homemade scones and jam with coffee and tea, before getting back into the golf carts.

This trip was a lot of fun and was typical of the area: low-key and authentic. It was a real taste of the Kaipara heartland. We’d visited a variety of rural towns and villages and seen the area’s rich history, from pā sites to colonial architecture, eaten great food in its cafes and pubs – and made sure we had a bag of kūmara to take home.

Kaipara Harbour

Further Information

  • Information about the campground at Tinopai can be found at: There are also motor camps at Pahi, Matakohe and Paparoa.
  • The walk at Paparoa takes about 45 minutes. Return the same way or continue to the mangrove boardwalk and road. Details at:
  • The stopbank at Ruawai is 4km in length. You can make a loop by returning along Simpson Road. This takes an hour to cycle and around three hours to walk.
  • Details of the walk up to the Summit of Tokatoka Peak are at:
  • It’s advisable to book the rail carts in advance. Their website is:

Thursday 7 April 2022

 Hundertwasser Art Centre - Art of the North

My latest article in Motorhomes Caravans & Destinations Magazine

From Whangārei’s Town Basin’s Hundertwasser building to Kawakawa’s toilets, Northland is an aesthetic wonderland. Heather Whelan was there for the opening of the latest must-see art destination.

This February saw the long-awaited opening of Whangārei’s Hundertwasser Art Centre. It’s a lot more than your average gallery – it’s a very original experience of art and nature in perfect harmony. The space includes the Wairau Māori Art Gallery, and the centre is housed in a massive, eye-catching and unique example of Hundertwasser’s architecture.

Austrian-born artist, architect and conservationist Friedensreich Hundertwasser first visited New Zealand in 1973, buying land in the Bay of Islands three years later. He was already well known in Europe for his conservation beliefs and quirky architecture, and it didn’t take long before he began applying his art and ideals here. In 1974 his first Conservation Week poster highlighted the need for the protection of our natural environment, and in 1983 he gifted the green and white unfurling fern koru flag, which he designed as an alternative design for our national flag, to New Zealand.

In 1998 Hundertwasser was invited to design an art gallery for Whangārei by the then mayor, Stan Semenoff. Twenty-four years later, the gallery and building have become a reality, a fantastic asset for Whangārei and a lasting tribute to Hundertwasser, who died in 2000 and is buried at his Hundertwasser estate in Kawakawa.

Hundertwasser art centre

Building an icon

The Hundertwasser Art Centre building is a piece of art in its own right. Topped with an eight-metre tall, 3.5-tonne, $50,000 gold leaf cupola, it has an afforested rooftop, curving architecture and eye-catching mosaics. A crowd of more than 1000 gathered to watch it being craned into place after being barged upriver last year, and since then it has drawn locals and visitors alike to watch the building and landscaping draw to completion.

Hundertwasser was very influenced by nature, and believed straight lines in architecture were soulless, that buildings should give back to nature by having afforested roofs. As a result, more than 4000 trees, including rare and native species, have been planted on the building’s roof. Honouring Hundertwasser’s principles, the building has used 40,000 recycled bricks, 5000 recycled pavers and 3000 square metres of locally made tiles. Mosaics on the mainly black and white exterior have icons such as waka and kiwi incorporated into their designs; it’s for kids and adults alike to walk around and spot them. The building faces Whangārei’s Town Basin Marina and links to it by new landscaping, featuring an undulating tiled area with koru shaped mosaics, a European-style fountain and quirky sculpture.

Opened last year, the Aqua Café and Restaurant is situated on the building’s first floor. While having a coffee, lunch or dinner here, you can look down on the yachts in the basin from the outside area or enjoy more Hundertwasser- themed art and architecture inside. Even the café’s toilets are embellished with curves and mosaics.

Hundertwasser art centre
Hundertwasser art centre

A gallery of galleries

Inside the building are two art galleries: the Wairau Māori Art Gallery on the ground floor, while on the first floor is a large exhibition, Hundertwasser In New Zealand 1973-2000.

The Wairau Gallery is New Zealand’s only gallery featuring nationally and internationally recognised contemporary Māori art. Wairau in te teo Māori means One Hundred Waters, as does the name Hundertwasser in German: both names were chosen for their symbolism (Hundertwasser’s surname was originally Stowasser; he changed it at the end of WW2 as his mother, Elsa, was Jewish).

Up a staircase decorated with mosaics, the Hundertwasser gallery encompasses the Viennese-born artist’s life and works. There are photographs, architectural models, tapestries, posters and original artworks. There’s also a composting toilet, illustrating Hundertwasser’s environmental stance.

A spiral staircase leads to the rooftop garden and the cupola. The views of the surrounding landscaping and across the river are beautiful. The garden has seating and is a peaceful oasis in the city.

For something completely different, head to Whangārei Art Museum beside the Hundertwasser building. This gallery is home to Whangārei’s art collection, holding both heritage and contemporary works. The museum also curates exhibitions from Northland, New Zealand and the world. Current exhibitions are Machine in the Garden (until 4 May) and the amazing Life Puzzle, an insightful observational comedy by Whangārei-born artis Nick Austin (until 10 July).

Hundertwasser art centre

World Famous in New Zealand

The small town of Kawakawa is just over half an hour north of Whangārei. In 1998 Hundertwasser worked with the Kawakawa community to build the toilets that have become the town’s major tourist attraction. With Hundertwasser’s trademark wavy lines, coloured glass and ceramic tiles, it’s one of the few toilet blocks in the world that is seen as a work of art. True to his ideals, recycled materials such as glass bottles and bricks from the former BNZ branch were used, and a living tree grows through the structure. The toilets have a ‘green roof’, where vegetation removed during construction has been rehomed. The toilets are fully functional but many more people enter to look and take photographs than to actually use them.

Joining of hearts

Kawakawa’s cultural hub, Te Hononga Hundertwasser Memorial Park, is adjacent to the toilets. The design of the centre’s building is two hearts coming together, symbolising the community and Hundertwasser, Māori and Pakeha, visitors and residents.

Te Hononga came into being after a trust was formed in 2009 to preserve Hundertwasser’s legacy in Kawakawa. As well as caring for the toilets, a park was established and in 2020 the cultural hub building was opened. The building houses the library, a council service centre, the Hundertwasser Memorial Interpretive Centre, and upstairs a gallery of his art.

Kawakawa Hundertwasser centre

Showered with art

Behind the Te Hononga building there is a big area for parking, including overnight freedom camping. What’s fantastic about this site is that the toilets and showers, located on the outside of the building, are decorated in true Hundertwasser style so you can admire your surroundings as you freshen up.

Across the road there’s the Grass Hut, a shop selling Hundertwasser prints and books as well as New Zealand arts
and crafts. It’s in keeping with the area as it has brightly coloured, Hundertwasser-inspired pillars and a living roof. Next door,
39 Gillies Cafe has mosaic tiling, funky sculptures and a view of the famous toilets.

A worthwhile side trip

Russell Road is about halfway between Whangārei and Kawakawa. If you take this turn, it’s about 15 minutes’ drive to Helena Bay Gallery and Café. The gallery showcases New Zealand artists, many of whom are Northland based. You’ll find paintings, hand-made furniture, sculpture, glass, ceramics, jewellery and more. Outside there’s a pond (listen out for the frogs) and a sculpture garden.

The adjacent café must have one of the best views around. From the outdoor deck area,bush-clad slopes lead down to the coast where the sea stretches to the horizon. It’s a great place to relax while taking a break from exploring Northland’s amazing art galleries.

Helena Bay gallery cafe
Helena Bay sculpture

Further Information

There are many other galleries to discover in Northland. Some others in Whangārei’s Town Basin area are Reyburn HouseBurning Issues and Hihiaua Cultural Centre, while across town there’s the Quarry Arts Centre.

Useful websites: For further information about the Hundertwasser Art Centre; for Kawakawa’s Te Hononga; for Whangārei Art Museum.

For details about Helena Bay Gallery and Café: and

Saturday 8 January 2022

Northern Highlights in Kerikeri

Rainbow Falls

Northern Highlights in Kerikeri

Heather Whelan explores what Kerikeri has to offer on a short break.

Being in Northland with some fine days forecast around opens up a world of possibilities for travellers. This time, our destination was Kerikeri, the region’s largest town. 

Kerikeri is 80km north of Whangārei — a great base for exploring the Bay of Islands. There’s no shortage of things to see and do in and around the area, so we decided to revisit some old favourites, and uncover some new finds. In this beautiful part of New Zealand there’s always something new to discover.

Roland's Wood

Roland’s Wood

Someone had told us about Roland’s Wood, famed for its springtime bluebells, so that was our first stop. The woods are on the outskirts of Kerikeri, about 3.5km from the town centre, along Kerikeri Inlet Road. Common in England, bluebell woods are rarer in New Zealand, but Roland Sansom was a man with a dream. After purchasing land from his uncle in 1985, Sansom worked on what had been a bare hillside, creating a wooded landscape of deciduous trees, mainly English beech, with masses of bluebells planted beneath them. Roland died in 2001, leaving ten acres of his woodland to the people of Kerikeri. Since his death, the wood has been cared for by a community group, Friends of Roland. 

The swathes of blue really are a sight to behold and we couldn’t help taking lots of photos. The wood is obviously popular, and there were quite a few others enjoying the bluebells when we visited. A group of elderly folk were enjoying morning tea at a picnic bench, while a preschooler clasped a few blooms in her hand as she wandered among the flowers. After strolling through the woodland we realised there were paths leading downhill past banks of clivia, so we headed in that direction. As well as the bluebells, we found bursts of bright colour from rhododendrons, camellias and magnolias. There were cherry blossoms, freesias and daffodils; a utopia of fresh colour. 

Roland's Wood

Rainbow Falls

Members of the NZMCA are lucky to have the park at Rainbow Falls on the north side of Kerikeri, across the bypass and along Waipapa Road. From here it’s a short drive or a one-hour walk through native bush to the Kerikeri Basin, now also known as Kororipo Heritage Park.

We opted for the walk, first stopping to admire the waterfall. Because of recent rain the river was in full flow and the resulting mists of spray created the rainbow effect that gives the Falls its name. Along the track – which follows the Kerikeri River – we admired the Fairy Pools, the Wharepuke Falls, some gnarly old puriri, tall tōtara and kauri, and checked out a historic hydro pumping station.

On the Kerikeri River Track

Kororipo Heritage Park

Where the river tumbles over rocks and enters the Kerikeri Inlet, there are a cluster of historic buildings and sites. New Zealand’s oldest building, Kemp Mission House, and the iconic Stone Store stand beneath St James Church and Kororipo Pā. The pā was the stronghold of Hongi Hika, the mission station’s protector.

Since the Kerikeri Basin was bypassed in 2008 and the road replaced by a footbridge, the area has become a calm oasis. We enjoyed coffee and cake in the Honey House Cafe, owned by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. The cafe has views of Kemp House’s cottage garden, orchard and grapevines, and looks down onto the riverbanks where this season’s clutches of fluffy ducklings were charming onlookers. Past the wharf area you’ll find New Zealand’s oldest pear tree and a restaurant, the Plough and Feather. Tracks lead from here to Kororipo Pā, but we were bound for the other side of the basin.

Te Ahurea

Te Ahurea sits in one of the most significant historical sites in New Zealand for Māori and early European settlement. There has been a tourist attraction called Rewa’s Village on the north side of the Kerikeri Basin since the 1970s. Recently the land here has been returned to the Ngāti Rēhia iwi, and the rather tired and dated Rewa’s Village has made way for a new venture – Te Ahurea. 

Beside the river we found a new canoe house, where a waka was being built. A path led up to a palisaded area with views across to heritage buildings and pā on the opposite side of the inlet. After paying for admittance we were given a short tour of the rooms that make up a small museum. There were artefacts here that have been found on Kororipo Pā and a taiaha (traditional Māori weapon) that had belonged to Tāreha, an important Ngāti Rēhia chief. Our guide told us that she was a descendant of Tāreha and lifted the taiaha down for us to examine.

Outside, we explored an area of reconstructed buildings, showing what a village would have been like in the time of Rewa, Hongi Hika and Tāreha, when the missionaries first arrived in 1814. There was a whare hui (meeting house) and several living quarters (whare noho). Down beside the river there was a waka tētē (fishing canoe) beside a new jetty. There are plans for waka tours soon; check the website (see ‘More Information’ box) for dates and times.

Whare at Te Ahurea
Te Ahurea
The Stone Store viewed from Te Ahurea


According to the Te Ahurea website, the name Kerikeri means ‘digging associated with gardening’. An early alternative name, Kirikiri, means ‘river gravel’. This was brought from the river and used on kūmara gardens. Either name is appropriate for the area, as it is a town based on horticulture. At Te Ahurea the gardens have been extensively planted, and administered by the Department of Conservation. Paths wind through the gardens and there are many information signs explaining the plants used by Māori: as food, medicine, or for use in building, among other uses.


Up the hill past St James’ Church, we discovered the Wharepuke Subtropical Garden and Sculpture Trail. These are gardens of national significance and, although new to us, they were established in 1992 by Robin Booth, whose family have owned the property since 1938. It was originally a citrus and kiwifruit orchard and is reputedly the first land in New Zealand to be ploughed.

In contrast to both the practical beauty of Māori gardens at Te Ahurea and the English-style bluebell woods, the Wharepuke Garden has a collection of rare and unusual subtropical plants and trees. We followed the sculpture trail through these dramatic plantings, where there were more than 40 works on display among the foliage and flowers.

We are no strangers to Kerikeri, but this trip showed there are always new discoveries, even if we know the area well.

Sculpture at Wharepuke
Sculpture at Wharepuke
Sculpture at Wharepuke

More Information

  • For those who haven’t visited the Kerikeri Basin before, the Kemp House Mission Station and the Stone Store are well worth exploring. Full details at:; also at:
  • Details about Te Ahurea can be found at:
  • There is parking available on both sides of the river at the Kerikeri Basin but larger motorhomes should take the bypass and park on the north side where there is more space available.
  • Roland’s Wood is on Kerikeri Inlet Road, on the right hand side just after Blacks Road. There is a small parking area but there’s more parking on the roadside further along. Information about the wood:
  • The NZMCA Park is on Rainbow Falls Road. There are several holiday parks in the area.